Hintergrundunschärfe der Gegensprechanlage
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Nahtlose Plattform für die Kundenkommunikation
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Intercom-Bewertungen und Produktdetails

Übersicht über die Gegensprechanlage
Was ist Gegensprechanlage?

Intercom ist eine Kundendienstplattform, die den Kundendienst neu definiert, indem sie Prozesse und Ausführung für ihre Kunden vereinfacht. Intercom wurde entwickelt, um Unternehmen mit ihren Kunden durch einfaches Messaging und Automatisierung zu verbinden. Durch Technologie unterstützt Intercom Teams mit den richtigen Tools, die für eine bessere Effizienz sorgen.

Unternehmen Intercom, Inc.
Gründungsjahr 2011
Firmengröße 501-1000 Mitarbeiter
Hauptsitz San Francisco, Kalifornien, USA
Soziale Medien
Intercom-Kategorien aktiviert Findstack
Crevio Logo
$ 29.00 / Monat
Crevio ist eine Plattform für Entwickler zum Verkauf digitaler Produkte, Dienste, Kurse und Zugriff auf andere Drittanbieter. Erfahren Sie mehr über Crevio
Stellen Sie Fragen zu Intercom
Welche Gegensprechanlage eignet sich am besten?
Wie schneidet Intercom im Vergleich zu ChatBot ab?
Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile von Intercom?
Produktdetails zur Gegensprechanlage
Mittlerer Markt
Einsatz Cloud / SaaS / Webbasiert, mobiles Android, mobiles iPad, mobiles iPhone
Unterstützung 24/7 (Live-Repräsentant), Chat, E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQs/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefonsupport
Trainings Dokumentation
Sprachen Englisch
Zusammenarbeit mit Agenten
Analyse der Agentenleistung
Audio- und Video-Chat
Automatisierte Antworten
Canned Responses
Eigenkreation Branding
Anpassbare Chat-Widgets
File Sharing
Mobile Kompatibilität
Mehrsprachiger Support
Proaktive Chat-Einladungen
Social Media-Integration
Gegensprechanlage 0
Gegensprechanlage 1
Gegensprechanlage 2
Gegensprechanlage 3
Gegensprechanlage 4
Screenshots der Gegensprechanlage
Unsere Forschung basiert auf verschiedenen maßgeblichen Quellen und soll allgemeine Ratschläge geben. Wir garantieren nicht, dass unsere Vorschläge für jeden Anwendungsfall am besten funktionieren. Berücksichtigen Sie daher bei der Auswahl von Produkten und Dienstleistungen Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse. Teilen Sie uns gerne mit Feedback.
Letzte Aktualisierung: Februar 10, 2025
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2,927 Intercom Rezensionen
4.5 von 5
Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Veronica S.
„Überprüfung der Gegensprechanlage“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

Easy to use. Easy to navigate very user friendly. Can be open it into multiple tabs.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

Too much filter can be overwhelming sometimes

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It makes our daily task easier such as comunication with the customers

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Kim April C.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

Intercom has made it easier for us to receive, answer and initiate chat or emails. It is also very easy to locate past chats or emails with its search functionality. I also like the fact that it has a dark mode for someone like me who have sensitive eyes.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

Nothing, actually. I really like Intercom specially the latest update. It is really easy to use and navigate and is very pleasing to the eye because of its dark mode functionality.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Having multiple applications for chats and emails. With intercom, you can do chat and emails. You can also use it simultaneously by opening a new browser. Just make a duplicate and you're good.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Jheus T.
„Leicht zugänglich und einfach zu bedienen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

It helps us a lot in handling chat or email messaging thru our guests. It's straightforward to use, and the shortcut keys to the whole email format greatly help us with fast and reliable actions.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

None so far; everything is excellent and fast; we love how the theme works as well; it can be black for our eyes not to be sore while reading an email. Happy to use.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It saves time and effort in sending emails or messages to our guests. Having the shortcut keys and typing email titles helps us a lot in replying to our customers.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Charris C.
„FANTASTISCHE und freundliche App“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

What amazed me about Intercom is that you will see the qualifications of the caller. Wherein their name, phone number and email are indicated. The cool part is you can add multiple emails if you need to send a copy to someone accountable for a specific concern/matter. This feature helps me to save time by not sending different emails.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

As of the moment, I have found no reason to dislike Intercom. In fact, I really love the feature where you can see your colleague's previous emails. This will help me to check on how they resolved the issue or what resolutions are provided. It will be easy for me to handle if the customer/guest requires further assistance without asking them to repeat their concern.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Intercom resolves an issue by reviewing previous emails or conversations with your team. This is vital and beneficial for me as this not only helps to check the previous resolution, but I can have a reference to how they handled the email or chat well. And for rookies, this is a significant opportunity to improve their knowledge of the company's product.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Ej B.
„Organisiert, unkompliziert und zuverlässig“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

Intercom is a comprehensive live chat application for customer service. It is extremely easy to use and have plenty of necessary and useful features. You also have a freedom to personalize the app basing from your own needs.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

There are frequent outages and lags. I understand this instances are inevitable, but consistency is something that you would expect on the app you use on a day-to-day basis.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Intercom resolves punctuality. In the customer service industry, it goes without saying that response time is one of our priorities. The way the chatbot filters the queries and assigns it to the appropriate department, certainly helps out a lot in ensuring that the necessary actions are made.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Melissa R.
"Einfach zu verwenden"
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

Intercom has all the information you need. it easy to use , and has all the option needed for every resolution. it has also good to know information. has macros

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

nothing all is good and everything is helpful.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

when a certain customer has difficult concerns intercom has all the option and resoluiton to solve the concern.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Alvin D.
„Erstaunliche Werkzeuge und einfacher Zugang“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

It is very user-friendly. I can access the intercom with flying colors. I can use either assisting customers through chat or email. It is more convenient to use other than the other competitor.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

Since I have been using it for a couple of weeks, I do not see anything that can lead me to dislike the intercom. It is straightforward to use and you do not need to actually learn to use it.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It is not actually the problem. But, Intercom assists us in connecting with the customers via chat or email. An easy connection with them can lessen the work and effort that I will use.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Gay N.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

It helps me to communicate well with our guest and partner. Intercom helps a lot for me. It helps me to resolve the issue and concern of our clients and partners.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

There is no such thing that I don't dislike Intercom. Intercom is a very helpful tool for everyone, it helps us to communicate and resolve every partners concern.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It helps me to communicate well with our guest and partner. Intercom helps a lot for me. It helps me to resolve the issue and concern of our clients and partners.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Biel C.
„Gesamtbewertung der Gegensprechanlage“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

It's simple, and easy to use. It let's me reach out to whom I need to contact.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

Lately, it keeps on lagging. It takes time to load a contact.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It helps us to communicate to our clients and partners.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Roberto E.
„die beste Gegensprechanlage im Unternehmen“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

this is nice all the features is good and easily works find and very very frinedly. The program work faster and work well. 24hrs working with the intercom is nice.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

none so far! i don;t hate the intercom. this is a program of my life. this is like a family to me. like a everyday user. this is perfect intercom. all of the features is good.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

all of the problem in the company. easly to chat messgae live chats. very timely and no lags and no intermidiate. this is program is nice in everysay users. like no one else.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2023
Joshua C.
„Ein benutzerfreundliches Tool für alles, was mit dem Kundenerlebnis zu tun hat.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

The setup guide of Intercom is excellent and I love the simplicity of the interface where everything is in one place. It's amazing how you can talk to both your peers and customers at the same time. One feature that I like is how the enter key is not active to avoid unwanted message to be sent accidentally.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

The only minor issue I have with Intercom is that sometimes, my chat will end when I press a certain key combination, of which I am not sure what it is. But it's great that you can immediately reopen the chat conversation. Other than that, I am currently unable to come up with any downsides to using Intercom.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Our team can more easily manage our queues because of the visibility it provides. While being straightforward, the chatbots are efficient at responding to customers' general questions. All team members can also see conversations and collaborate easily thanks to transparency.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2023
Khyme T.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

It is a faster way to send messages, with real-time access to CSAT and lighter support volumes and the only platform to combine the power of automation and human customer support.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

The page where you must send a message has some delays as it took a long time to load.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It improves agent experience. Customer satisfaction has increased. It helps to resolve every guest's concerns, which can often be more complicated. This allows businesses to grow.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2023
Ray G.
„Liebevolle Gegensprechanlage“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

I have been using Intercom for more than a year and excellence to everyone who started this tool to make people's lives easier. Easy to navigate, very user-friendly that even people who use this for the first time will not have a difficult time navigating everything. No need for a specific training. Terrific tool!

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

I just had a bit of a strenous time finding where to add another email address where I can forward an email. This feedback is for the latest version of Intercom. But over time, I was able to find where I can do such.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Intercom solves the clutter by categorzing which one should be in the email section and which one should be in the chat section automatically. Very efficient! Very systematic!

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2023
Carmela M.
„Ich liebe Intercom wirklich. Es macht meine Arbeit sehr einfach und bequem. Intercom ist sehr benutzerfreundlich.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

It's very easy to access, and it's very user friendly. I like the theme as well.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

None so far. I found intercom really useful.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We can easily communicate with our guest. It's easier to rwach out to our guest by means of sendinf private message or email.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2023
Allan Jerome D.
„Mein Intercom-Erlebnis“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

It is so organized. All of my accomplised task are easily tracked down. Also It is very user-friendly to navigate. Having an inbox also allows me to manage easy.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

I can't think of anything else because it is designed so easily to navigate and it is not so intimidating to use.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Being able to solve our customers' concerns over this platform is so beneficial since I can multitask such as call the guest and the same same time chatting with other guest.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2023
Elaine A.
„Intercom hilft Organisationen beim Aufbau von Teamarbeit“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

What I love about Intercom is we have a visibility to all of the chats and emails. This way our team can work together and can follow up any pending emails. All emails is visible to our team so we won't need to wait for other staff to come from their off just to follow up an email or chat.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

Well, maybe we can have an option to snooze a case to certain channel without reassigning it to others. I find it hard to snooze a case to a certain channel when all of my colleagues are active as it will just end up on their bucket.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It helps ou team to follow up a pending case whenever the other staff is not available. The software allows the team to have a visibility to all the upcoming emails and chats. As well as the previous cases we have handled.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2023
Joline T.
„Benutzerfreundliche Gegensprechanlage“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

Intercom is very user friendly you can easily switch the channel you would like to use between email and chat. You can also see the rating right away. Unlike other chat platform, it will take a while to be able to see the ratings.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

For me, I think the feature that needs to improve with the intercom is to have the ability to change the channel because what I noticed is that, when the customer responded via email, we can no longer respond via chat even though they initially reached out via chat.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Customers have the option to send an email, or chat with us using one thread only which helps us to see previous conversation easily and we can assist the customer where the previous agent left off.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2023
Bryan S.
„Überprüfung der Gegensprechanlage“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

Very easy to use, easy to navigate and user-friendly tools. Also, its easy to find the previous cases you handled and the option to have two kinds of interface is really great. (Light and Dark theme)

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

Updates may be lost, updates may be rejected by intercom because of server side exceptions, or mysterious thing called "concurrent updates" when there is just a single update.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Intercom is overall a really good, professional product. They have great quality of support, good training material, and they still keep releasing.When we were first started using them, they were flexible, had great customer service, and seemed genuinely invested in helping us succeed.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2023
Janine P.
„Einfach zu navigieren!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

It's my first time using Intercom in my current company and what I like the most is, you can navigate this tool easily, and you are able to use both chat and email in just one place.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

I don't see any other downside while using the intercom, aside from creating some Macro (Spiel). When an update happened last year, the ability to create a personalized macro was removed and I am not sure if that was being taken out by our company or the Intercom itself.

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Intercom is the tool we use to communicate with our clients, and it is very easy to provide them with the support they need as we can navigate email and chats in one place.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. Mai 2023
Rio R.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom am besten?

We use Intercom on a daily basis to chat and email our partners or customer, and assist them with their concerns and requests. Using Intercom to interact with them makes our job so much easier.

Was gefällt Ihnen an Intercom nicht?

There's not much to dislike about Intercom, really. If anything, it's the fact that it automatically times out if you become idle for a certain period of time..

Welche Probleme löst Intercom und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Recently, Intercom has updated the automation section which gives us the ability to create custom answers and this really saves us so much time as we don't need to manually type everything.